Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Memorable Farve Images

As I believe we have seen the last of the ancient gunslinger I offer you some moments that sum up Brett Favre's short, strange stay in Minnesota. We all feel the same way Brett.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vikings Season Fail

Who is the real Douche Bag?

Tough to tell in this photo. Brad Childress shouldn't be coaching grade school touch football, Farve should be wearing diapers and enjoying his twilight years and who the hell is the third guy? He hasn't done anything that I can tell.

Is There Any Love Left for Farve?

Real Vikings Funeral

At least the real Vikings put their dead on a boat and lit it on fire. We have been dead in the water since the end of pre-season and yet they let the Vikings take the field each week. Sad.

The Oddities of Childress

 I have to ask. Would you let this into your house if he knocked on the door let alone coach your football team? I wouldn't even buy oranges off of him under the freeway.

The Truth About Brett Farve

Playing hurt and not doing a good job at it. Time to let the ego go, slip into your sexual harassment problems and get your divorce finalized. That is what you should have been doing this year instead of ruining our team with your douche baggery.

Even God Knows The Vikings Suck

Yest it's true. Even the all mighty power of the universe knows that the Vikings Suck.